“Holiday Greetings” – A December 1944 advertisement for Stegmaier Brewery wished customers a “Victorious New Year”

A patriotic, holiday-themed beer advertisement from the Wilkes-Barre-based Stegmaier Brewing Company appeared in December 1944.

Letters from War – Celebrating Independence Day 1945 in occupied Germany

Sergeant Irvin Schwartz describes the Fourth of July festivities in the ruined city of Nuremberg in July 1945.

Letters from War – Holiday greetings from the front lines in Nazi Germany, November 1944

Desperate to share Christmas cheer and hopes for a happy New Year, Pfc. Irvin Schwartz wished holiday greetings to friends and family through the newspaper.

Four Christmases – Holiday excerpts from Henry Keiser’s Civil War diary

Four diary entries from the Civil War document the evolution of holiday experiences of a soldier from Pennsylvania's Coal Region.

Golden-tinged memories of Christmas Eve recalled in the dark days of the Civil War – 1861

A writer in Luzerne County penned a beautiful, yet sad, remembrance of Christmas Eves past and the memories they inspired amid a terrible time in the country's history.

A bit of Thanksgiving perspective from the pandemic of 1918

An editorial from a newspaper in Pottsville during the 1918 pandemic reminds us to be thankful for life amid a time of death.

Thanksgiving Day in Schuylkill County – 1864

A detailed description of how Schuylkill County celebrated Thanksgiving as the Civil War reached its climax.

Letters from War – A powerful Memorial Day letter on the eve of D-Day, 1944

In this remarkable letter, Pfc. Irvin Schwartz reflects on the meaning of Memorial Day on the eve of D-Day and his first experience in combat.